Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I'd like to dedicate this song and my body..

This has been one of the most fun "hell weeks" I've ever experienced. I know things are stressful with coming together with the band and adding lots of costume changes and scene changes and blah blah blah. But really, I feel like everyone just melds together during hell week and this one has been like none other. I feel so connected to everyone! and everything! It might be the crazy talkin' to me, but I think this cast is having a hard time hating us, Lenora. :)

Lenora and I have been jammin' alot lately. And by that, I mean I've been listening to my Ipod and we boogie in my kitchen.

This playlist, and our bodies, are dedicated to Wade "Cry Baby" Walker:

Me, Myself, and I---Billie Holiday

Loose Talk---Carl Smith

In the Mood---Andrew Sisters

Why Do Fools Fall in Love---Frank Lymon & the Teenagers

Stairway to the Stars---Ella Fitzgerald

Lollipop---The Chordettes

and last but not least...
I Gotta Know---Wanda Jackson

Only 2 more nights before we open! exciting!!!(said in my exorcist voice, which you will all get to experience soon enough). So I better get on this bandwagon of not breaking character. I really hadn't at all! Even when were still in the church rehearsing still, I didn't break. Until last night....when I finally came onto stage with my "baby."
I have never laughed so hard before. I was seriously crying onstage because of the pain from laughing! I was so high on laughter fumes after that, I could barely say the rest of my lines! Freakin' baby...oh geeze. I don't know how I'm going to keep from cracking once I have 200 people laughing at the sight of me too. It's gonna be hard, but it's gonna be so awesome too. Normally breaking character this far into the rehearsal process would normally scare me. But really, it's the first time Lenora has made me break. Why are you so freaking crazy, Lenora?! You make me so giddy inside. Like a little school girl. Which, I guess..we kind of are.
Anyway! My point is..after last night's rehearsal I am so aware of who we are, Lenora and I. Our crazy is so cute, you won't be able to stand it. I know you'll be wishing for us to get with Cry Baby by the end of it all. Instead of that pinko, Allison girl.

I can't wait for all of us to finally be together, Cry Baby.

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