It has been prophesied...Lenora just may give Cesario a run for his money. Scott Miller has said twice now that Lenora is going to outdo Cesario and I am in total agreement. Cesario's defense, Lenora is actually crazy. And everything is always more funny when it's real.
Ya know, I keep calling my characters crazy..but I'm the one that embodies these animals. What's that saying about me? Last night at rehearsal, Zak (of all people) said at one point "Oh, look. Terrie gets to play herself again."
Yea...I lost my mind a long time ago. But hey, at least I'm entertaining right?! Don't answer that..
It's been a couple weeks now, and we're moving right along. Already have a good chunk of the first act blocked. Now we just have to remember it all and make it performance worthy. Which, by the way things are going I think we could put this show up in 2 weeks! We are seriously so awesome. We know our stuff already and we're all bringing out our characters full throttle. And we still have like 6 weeks of rehearsal left! I'm worried for myself a little..I realize how much I've transformed into Lenora already at this point. She may very well take over completely by the end of it all. It was good knowing you, sound mind. I'm ready; we've lived a good life.
I like this cast. Everyone is so colorful and unique in our own ways. Some of us are really funny. A few of us have a very keen fashion sense (every girl except for me). Some of us are just plain people, but phenomenal performers. Just as every cast I've ever been a part of at New Line. We all want to put up a great and memorable show. And we'll all work like the dickens to make you feel like you aren't sitting in a theatre watching actors. Like always at New Line, you'll forget you bought a ticket to a show; you'll think you're one of us just sittin' in the car, listening to the radio and livin' like a true greaser.
I can't wait to put all the pieces together and get an audience in front of us! I'm so anxious already.
I'm really ready for a musical. I was cast in a weekly sketch comedy called Bye Bye Liver in October '11 and I really love it. It's so different from what I'm used to. I get to show off my strengths using my funny bone and I get to party with alot of really awesome people. But I have been so lost without my musical interjections! Waiting for Cry Baby to start up was really agonizing. I needed it bad. I'm here working on it and I still need it bad! There's just something about being immersed in character with song and dance. It's just a feeling I'm so acquainted with. And when it's missing from my life, I become such a different person.
Bye Bye Liver is every Saturday night at Maggie O'Brien's at 8 pm, just so's ya know. In case you wanna see me flaunt around in skimpy clothes and make you laugh all night. Just for fun. :)
Anyhoooo, Dowdy and I tackled our choreography for "All in my Head." I think it's pretty freakin' hilarious. I am so happy I finally get to sing with Mike! We get our very own song! Something I've waited for since Evita. Wow...I guess I am kind of obsessive. Interesting...anyways, I think we look a little like this: sassy.
This weekend we're all cramming into Leaping Lizards studio to get our groove on for "Nothing Bad's Ever Gonna Happen Again." I love that title. Long titles for songs make me happy. Just like overweight animals. Like this panda, in particular. Just so you know, when I watch Mulan, I laugh uncontrollably at is that freakin' panda every single time. He's awesome.
In conclusion for today here are a few of my favorite things about Cry Baby:
1) Cry Baby, obviously.
2) Dupree; Ari is so hilarious! and sweet beans, his James Brown yelps really get a girl goin'
3) Our ensemble; they are so alive I didn't realize I was living prior to meeting all of them
4) Scott Miller; his insight and humor drive us to be the wackiest people you'll ever meet. He is our fearless leader.
5) Lenora, duh.
6) Zak Farmer playing 16 different characters possible. And each one of them as authentic as the first. Hey, at least I'm not the only person in this cast with multiple personality disorder.
That's it for now. K, love ya, bye!
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