Another year, another show. And another life to live...as a misunderstood (cough...crazy ass) 16 year old called Lenora. I couldn't be more excited!
Finally the long awaited Cry Baby rehearsals have begun. We've had our first week already; working on music. Which is so freakin' great! I love sock hop sounds, 50's style especially. And let me tell ya..we sound awesome as an ensemble! I pounded through my parts with Baldwin in "All in my Head," and kicked those second soprano notes' asses in our group numbers. Haven't gotten to sing my beloved 2nd part in so long. I forgot how much I love being in the middle of harmony.
This show is going to be so much fun; I can feel it in my shins. I'm prepping for a solid character analysis on Lenora. I really love her. Like, I really really love her. And if she and I weren't the same person, I'd date her.
I probably will still try to date her.
I'm really fighting with toning her down a bit, still. Sorry, Scott. Lenora is a real person. And really actually very unaware of reality. She isn't over the top as she has been portrayed in past productions of Cry Baby. Loving Wade "Cry Baby" Walker is the most beautiful and most tragic event to ever exist in Lenora's mind. And I intend to paint her true colors all over the stage.
I am so excited for this show! I know I say that every time..but here we go again on a journey with Scott to make another New Line production that has legitimate substance underneath. Nothing is on the surface at New Line. Every character is very real. Every person who plays these characters are very perceptive. I think Cry Baby is going to rock you out of your seats. And I think you will have to fight the urge to get up join us. Really.
It's going to be a great year. And I'm very glad to make my appearance as Lenora. My first personality of 2012..or multiple. It'll depend on how well her and I get along these next couple of months. :)
So here I am blogging once again. I will try to keep up with my posts..those of you who follow me on here know I'm not always very tactful with tracking my progress. I hope I never have to diet...yeesh. That process wouldn't go very well, I imagine.
Wishing you all a wonderful winter solstice! And warning you to come see this show March 1st thru the 24th. Or else.
Love ya! K, bye!
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