Well, it's all over. Evita has treated me well. Very well. And oh how I will miss her and New Line.
We sold out the majority of our performances. The people just couldn't get enough of us, I guess. The kitty likes the fishy. :]
Every night was a new experience, a new energy, a new perspective. My friends and family loved it, which made me very glad. And many a stranger to me loved it as well. I'd say our Evita cast and crew are very proud of what we did this July. There was alot of heart and soul in this production. I couldn't have been more pleased to work with such a bold theatre company. It's really been a wonderful experience.
I'd like to apologize to those of you who've actually been reading my blogs. I'm terrible at keeping up with them. And I should have at least 20 more blogs than I do with the amount of time I've been logging the rehearsals and performances. I'm sorry for that, followers! I guess I was too wrapped up in the moment.
I'm experiencing serious withdrawls. For the first time in my life, I actually cried because I didn't want a show to be over. My dad asked me Saturday before our final show, if I was sad for it to be over with. And I told him I've never been more sad about a show ending. I don't know what kind of hypnosis you have me under, New Line, but it's very personal! You sure haven't seen the last of me, though. I'll be back for more auditions!
I really felt different at New Line. I never sensed any tension between anyone. There was never any competition. We were all so fun loving and such free spirits. All we wanted to do was make great theatre. Which we did, very well. I liked each and every person. I was always excited to be at rehearsal. I had a continuous smile this entire process. And it's been such a refreshing sensation.
I fell in love with theatre again. I don't know exactly made that happen, whether it was New Line's perspective or the fact that I was finally being challenged to be better on stage. I think I needed to finally stretch my wings. I needed to feel vulnerable onstage again. I've been too comfortable for too long. Honestly, I don't know what happened inside of me during these past 2 months, but I'm glad that it did. I've missed such personal theatre and all the wonderful feelings I get from creating beautiful moments for an audience. I think most of all, I felt appreciated as a performer at New Line. I needed all these new people in my life. I was certainly missing that spice before.
Well, that's all sweet and cute. But Evita is over, and now I have to go back to surviving. Living day to day like everyone else. And trying to defeat the early-20's curse of not knowing what the heck to do with my life. I have no solidity. Only oppurtunities and ideas. But that's my favorite part about life, I never know what's going to happen next. Thank goodness for spontenaity.
Thank you, Scott and my Evita castmates and crew for an extraordinary summer. I've really had the best of fun with all of you. Until next time!
And farewell blogger.com. You were interesting and always here to listen to my thoughts. I'm not quite sure if you were as satisfying as a fudge round. But you were a new experience and that's always neat.
I'm not sure I'm the girl for you, Blogger world. But know that I treasured our relationship for what is was. Don't be too heartbroken if you don't hear from me for a while. It's not you, it's me. I'm far too intricate for such an extroverted atmosphere. :]
Adios, descamisados. Te quiero!
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