We've blocked the whole show now! Woot! And next week and from then on, we'll be in the theatre! I can't believe how quickly it's all happened. I guess time really does fly when you're having fun :]
I have been introduced to the infamous "Millerogrophy." Or however you wanna spell it. And I will admit, it's interesting. I love the song "Money Kept Rollin' In" but I was very afraid of what exactly we'd be doing in it. And it wasn't that bad! I was really more nervous to find out what Millerogrophy was more than I should've been. I like the dance we do, even though I'm really stupid and can't count. So, I'll have to work really hard to impress you! but don't worry, I'll get it down, as will everyone else. And we'll live up to Scott's Millerogrophy. Promise!
I'm really starting to get into the life of Eva Peron, her story I mean. I understand the background and who she became and what she did for her country. But I decided I loved Eva Peron a couple weeks ago. I don't care if she was a complete biotch, she seemed to be a pretty cool lady to me. Because she was so real. It's funny that you mentioned that at rehearsal the other day, Scott. I was thinking it too! I'm still trying to find a medium between being a working class Argentine and the middle class Aristocrats. I don't like being mean to Eva, Scott. Can't we be working class all the time! haha. We're really trying to be mean in "Peron's Latest Flame!"
All I have to remember is keep my eyes as wide as I possibly can. Which isn't very big.
I still love all the songs just as much as I did the first time we sang through them. Singing them, dancing to them. I love all the sounds of this musical. I'm really glad I didn't base my judgement of Evita off of that terrible movie with Madonna. What fool I would've been!
We're about to start full run-thru's soon. And costumes. And using real wooden chairs. And having the band play with us. I'm getting excited! The show is so close. And I can't tell you how anxious I am to perform. It's ridiculous how much I get out of being on stage with other performers. It's the sensation I live for.
I only have one thought to share before I log off. I watched Out on the Town last night with Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly and that hott tapper from Easter Parade. And my mind is completely boggled at how far away we've gotten from the classics. Movies are not made like that anymore. People are not talented like that anymore. And what for?! I'd much rather watch someone like Gene Kelly dance than watch Brad Pitt doing anything ordinary in a movie. And I'm much rather listen to Lena Horne sing rather than stupid Justin Beiber. And where are all the tap dancers on So You Think You Can Dance! All's I'm saying is, I think the entertainment industry has failed a bit in talent. I mean, c'mon. Where's the next Judy Garland? What happened to great classic films where people danced and fell in love singing to each other. It's a shame. That's my opinion. Do with it what you please. :]
Oh, yes. One more thing, in case my Dad is reading this. Happy Father's Day (on Sunday)! I love you! (That's me and him at the top there. :})