I have alot of random thoughts today. Which is normally what my blogs consist of anyways! So here goes:
GREAT reviews for Two Gents! Wow, seriously! Awesome praise for our fantastic work! Way to be cast. We basically rule the planet now. Well, at least the realm of theatre in St. Louis anyways. :)
I love when the reviews come out. I get so anxious to read what our critics really think. Whether they liked it, loved it, or hated it. It's exciting to spread the news, whatever it may be. Reviews intrigue readers; they'll come check us out to make the final call on whether the critics were right or wrong. And nothing gets me more excited than a curious audience!
You must know, though. The critics are right. We are fantastic, we are terrific!!!
So thank you, theatre goers! For reading reviews, and wanting to experience our silliness with us on stage every weekend. And thank you, critics, for respecting and acknowledging great theatre!
I can't tell you how wonderful it is to hear that we accomplished our endeavors and effectively connected with our audiences this weekend. Thursday and Friday night were both great crowds! Especially Friday night's people. Man, they were so interactive!! Which makes performing a thousand times more invigorating. When an audience feeds off of our energy, we feed off of their's. And goodnesssssssss! It is such a sensation!
Saturday, however...was a little less vocal of their appreciation. Which, didn't affect our delicious performance at all!! We still gave them a perfect show! But I certainly didn't get my fix I needed that night (geeze, I am such a performance junkie). I sort of felt like I had just given a fabulous audition...and during my audition I got the stare down of, "why are you wasting my time." Man, I really hate that feeling. When ya walk in, sing your heart out and you just exude happiness and greatness. But then they look up from their papers, gawk at you a bit, then say, "Thank you, Terrie," and send me away. It's really discouraging.
Of course, Saturday night's audience did indeed love us and our show! And maybe they were so frozen solid that they couldn't physically laugh or coo. I know we were! and we were groovin' it up on stage. Don't think I didn't appreciate our audience. I did! I just didn't get that connection with them. And for me, that's what I most crave about performing. Reaching inside of the people's hearts and minds with song and dance. Haha, okay that sounds really cheesy. But it's for real!
Okay..I was at a party a few weeks ago. And I had so much fun, playing cards and dancing and reminiscing and so on. Well, my friend that I had shown up to the party with wasn't as enthralled as I was. So when we were driving home he said something along the lines of he wished that he hadn't of gone; he would've rather stayed at home to practice his guitar. My rebuttle was that I think it's important for people to spend time with each other, even if we want to be alone, it's necessary to have human interaction. It fuels something inside of us, it keeps us feeling. To be able to talk to and touch our friends was good for us. He said that was fine and dandy, but he needs alot of alone time to make really good music. Which, he does. So his argument seems justified. However...I explained to him that as an actor, it is very necessary for me to interact with other people. Constantly. There's plenty of alone time involved with creating characters, yes, but connection with real-life people is what makes our performances actually real.
You see, I feel that actors must try to experience everything they can possibly get their hands on. New food, new places, new styles, new music, a whole buncha things! We must be versatile. We must have open minds. And personally, I feel that connections with ALL different kinds of people help me the most in creating my characters. And the deeper the connection with people, the more I get out of the entire experience.
I've always been a "people-person." I love people; I hate people. I can't get enough of people. We're the most intricate, most ridiculous creatures. And I love how we function. I love our bodies, our minds, our perceptions, our science.
Theatre, I have found, is alot like psychology. Theatre has shown me alot about people. And much more about myself.
My point is...All of my relationships: Every random stranger that I've conversated with. Every person I've just observed from a distance. Every boyfriend I've had. Every friend that I've learned every nook and cranny of. My family. My friends' families. My teachers. My students. My neighbors. Every actor I see in a movie.
Everyone of them has broadened my knowledge of life, love, and living.
And to portray that on stage for an audience and for an audience to feel what I feel. Well....I can't tell you just how special that experience is for me. I need it to be happy. I need it to be the best performer I can be. I need it to be me.
So what this all boils down to is: LAUGH at us! BOO at us. Just do something to let us know that you, our audience, are involved in our madness. Or we'll have to take Lord Farquaad's approach in holding up signs that read: "Applause," "Giggle," "Awe." hahhaa, and that just isn't nearly as fun as letting you choose how to react to our production. :))
True Blood will be starting up again in a few months. And pools will be opening too. Smoothies will need to be made. Frisbee will need to be played. And bare will be premiering at New Line. :)))
Summer, Summer. I am most like you, dear season. Hot and refreshing...and sometimes, too much for people to handle ;)
Can I just remind you all of how much I love Two Gents. I mean, really! Can I say it anymore?! Probably. And I will.
I love Two Gentlemen of Verona. As will you.
come join our love train!